VOC crew members' places of birth (Europe)
Featured,  Maps,  VOC pay ledgers

Where the VOC crews came from

The pay ledgers of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) are an important data source for our projects (we tell more about this source in this blog post). The following dynamic heatmaps give a good impression of the regions where the sailors on board of the ships headed for Asia originated.

Regions of origin of VOC sailors, 1630-1795
Regions of origin of VOC sailors, 1630-1795
Regions of origin of VOC soldiers, 1630-1795
Regions of origin of VOC soldiers, 1630-1795
Regions of origin of VOC naval officers, 1630-1795
Regions of origin of VOC naval (i.e. not military) officers, 1630-1795

For clarity reasons, crew members from one of the six VOC towns (Amsterdam, Delft, Enkhuizen, Hoorn, Middelburg and Rotterdam) were excluded from these maps.